I celebrated Imbolc, the ancient festival of the coming of Spring, which takes place each year at the beginning of February when the first snowdrops push their shoots above ground, on Monday 5th this year, on the new moon.
I celebrated it by beginning a series of storytelling workshops about the Enchantress. 6 people joined me to hear the true story of my journey to discovering how and why the enchantress is such an important archetype. We also heard the Welsh tale of the Flower Maiden who became an Owl; Blodeuwedd, from the Mabinogion and the hidden story within it. There will 7 more events spread out between the new moon on March 6th and the full (honey) moon on June 17th.
Why not join me on one of these dates? I am looking for a maximum of 12 people for each event to come and participate, hear the stories and contribute their own experiences of the enchantress in their life.
These events form the research for the MA dissertation I am writing for the University of Wales, Trinity St David, Lampeter, on the role of the Enchantress in our times. The events are (audio) recorded and it could be that what you add to the discussion might end up as part of the final paper, contributing to important research. For this reason everybody who takes part will be asked to sign a consent form giving me permission to quote you and /or mention your words in some way in my paper. Any participant will be allowed to change their mind about this permission before the paper is published in 2020.
If you want to be enchanted by story, you want to start to learn what our ancient British myths have to tell us today, or you would like to share your own experience of enchantment this event is for you!
There will also be an opportunity to join an on-going group of others who have participated in an event to continue to share insights and stories.
The next events takes place at the GateHouse, 2, High Street, Totnes on Wednesday, 6th March (6:30-9:30pm) and Saturday, 9th March (2-5pm) as part of Totnes School of English’s Women’s Week celebrations.
Future dates:
21st March, 5th April, 19th April, (S. Devon) 4th May, (Stroud) 18th May (Norfolk), 17th June (Wales).
Join the facebook event here.