My first manuscript “The Honeysuckle Collection” is almost ready to go off to the publishers! More than 80 poems and quite a few paintings and photos! Exciting!
for an advance viewing of one of my poems, here is the one I wrote for Alice Armstrong, for her local radio programme – all about Five Rhythms Dancing. To listen to me reading it listen to the programme
My Dance
Came nervously
Full of self conscious
I remember those 12 judges
Of long grey beards
That danced about me
In a tight circle
Protecting me
From what dangers
I shall never know
They drew me in to myself
And left me
Of human contact
Alone, and lonely too
In the great city of Berlin
By a lover betrayed
I danced
My beauty
And was seen
By a man from foreign parts
Looking on
He honoured me
With words that
He had seen my essence
The romantic soul within
With tears
My being began
To see itself
In this body, now
And friends
They said, Come,
Beckoning to me
From the dance space they loved
And frightened fawn
That I was
Said I, No
Over and over
Till one day
My lyrical soul
Could bear it no more
To the dance
It declared
And took me off
To the 5 rhythms
Space in the centre of our town
Awkward, nervous
Painfully aware
Of the lover
Who betrayed
Dancing his heart out 5
Fully himself
With every woman
But me
Blanking my hurting,
Bleeding heart
And yet still I came
And danced my dance
Painfully, awkwardly
Dancing my loss
Till one day
He was gone
And I was still dancing
Here in the space in the centre of our town
Heart of our town
Clunky grey edifice
Unwieldy clumsy elephant
Amongst graceful remnants of our past
Clunky grey edifice
Monday nights
You are redeemed
Holder of all of our hearts
5 rhythms on a Monday
I cannot begin to tell
The community
That lives within your grey walls
My heart could tell you
If it could speak
It would speak of Love
Connection and Family
It would speak of gratitude
It would speak of tears, of joy, and of fun
It would speak of brothers and sisters…
Of the real kind
It would speak of a place
Where 70 souls
Blend into one
Their prayers lifting higher the air about them
It would speak of a Love
So strong
It is palpable
That Love we all yearn for
At 5 Rhythms
On a Monday
In a clunky grey edifice
The heart of Totnes beats
Ever growing
Ever vibrant
‘Tis a temple
To the future
Our community
It does grow
Strong in numbers
Strong in intent
To be the people
We have been waiting for
My dance
It is sacred
To Love
It is the dance
Of my soul
With my spirit
It makes my heart sing
Even when it is tears I find
It makes me touch heaven
With my wings
It lifts me
From my head
And brings me down
Into my feet
It beings life to my fingertips
To my face
And enlivens the Love in my heart
5 rhythms dance space
Held in unconditional love
By She Who Would Community Found
We are the blessed
Who have come to her
From across the land
And across the oceans too
Our myriad experience do we bring
To our dance
With She Who Would Community Found
To our dance
To the centre of our being ness
They come
Sharp and furious
The friendship bonds
The women who love me
Support my process
See my vulnerability
And allow it to be
The men
Whose very maleness
Awakens my woman
To passion, to full being ness
There are the ones who dance
Their full uninhibited self
The ones that hide their light
In shame
The ones whose grief
They wear as a flower
Upon their chest
And in whose eyes we all rest
The ones whose joy
Lifts us higher
And higher
Till we are spent
The ones whose communion
Is full of presence
With the one
Or with their chosen partner of the moment
The ones whose fatigue
Drags them
To the floor
And the ones
Who would rage
Till all our passion
Is out
The writhing mass
Of loving bodies
When we know not
Whose arm, whose leg
All of us
It is
That we see
Here in this cameo
I today
You tomorrow
She next week
And he the day after
Would you
Be we
With us
In the heart of Totnes … ?
See the world in a flurry of colour
See the world in a theatre of movement
See the world in all its glory
Come a-dancing on a Monday night….
Hear the rhythm of your heart
Yea, and that of others
The love
Feel the felt sense of body
Your body
My body
Our bodies
Feel yourself
Feel alive
Feel vibrant as never before
Come a-dancing with the heart of Totnes