The Honeysuckle Collection

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I have just completed “The Honeysuckle Collection”. It’s a journal of my recent poetry, paintings and photographs, with the occasional song , musing and tale thrown in.


Journey Bird


I drew the Journey Bird, in pastel, and the poem that follows, in response to my father’s death this summer.


~Saying Goodbye~


And there comes a time

When the pain

Of missing you

Reaches its zenith


And all I can do

Is express it

With a picture

I know you’re gone


Where you need to go

Your leave taking is beautiful


Yet I miss you


And all the Love

There is in the world

Gathers force

To show us


How much our connection


To me

I love you


I wish you well

Upon your journey

And I

Will grieve the loss


Of your being

In my life

And remember

Our Love


 If you want more….contact me to reserve your copy!

…and so Night Time came