~Love, Lover, Beloved~
What is Love?
There was a time
When I believed
It was your love
I wanted
To be loved
For who I am
Then I grew
And I thought
It was my Love
That was needed
To give
And give
And give
Of all I had and was
Then I grew
And Love
Became painful
And I learnt
That what I understood
Was Love
Was not
Love at all
But words
Passed down
Across the ages
Of the elders
Gave of the best
Of their times
For their people
In response
To particular
In our shared
I questioned
These words
It was hard
Stripped me bare
Back to innocence
I know nothing
Now of Love
Only that
What I practised
What passed
For Love
Was not Love
But illusion
I asked
To know
What Love is
To experience this Love
And was sent
Painful moment
After painful moment
Of painful experience
Till one day
I understood
That it is only
When we are most
That we can know
What it is
To be beloved
And our stories
Have us fight
To deny
Its existence
We writhe
We squirm
We wriggle out
Of the sensations
Of being
It is just too
For ones
Whose story collection
Teach that to give
Is good
But tell me this
If there is to be a giver
Is a receiver also
Not needed
And if to give
Is good
Then how can to receive
Be bad
Can there be
A rainbow
Without sun
And rain
Can there be
A tree
Without air
And earth
Can there be
A gift
Without a giver
And a receiver
Can there be
Without a Lover
And a Beloved?
Can you be
A giver
And a receiver
In your life?
Can you be
A Lover
And a Beloved
In your life?
For gifts
Cannot be
Without receivers
To receive
And Love
Cannot exist
Without a Beloved
To feel it
In compassion and tears
In passion and joy
In friendship and mirth
In recognition and acceptance
Cannot be
If first
The beloved
Does not show
Their need
Bare their soul
In all its splendour
And capacity
To receive
Then Love
Can show itself
When the beloved is ready
When a life lived
Has carved
Such a map
Upon our being
Then we finally
And let
Love in
This poem was inspired by:
“And what greater service shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?” Kahil Gibran