Host me on my latest story collecting tour
– from Midsummer 2018
Throughout the summers of 2018 and 2019 I will be taking my interactive story game ‘The Quest to 2050’ to venues across the British Isles, weaving together the indigenous wisdom of our ancestors from the myths they left us with the visions of the young people of today to create a New-Old story for our Times; one that reminds us that we cannot grow a healthy future without being deeply rooted in our sense of place, one that acknowledges the inspiration all people carry to change the world for the better and, most of all, one that bids us live deeply connected to self and the present moment.
The book that will emerge from this process will be told as a story; embedded within it will be the truth of the elders of our past and vision of the young of our tomorrow. Its message; to live at the very edge of what we believe is possible with all our passion, hope and energy, for those are our gifts to this world.
To get involved in the process of story gathering you can contact me at transitiontales@googlemail.com . The Quest for visions of 2050 will begin midsummer 2018 and end Lammas 2019. Would you host a playing of the story game and gather a group to play? Homes, halls, gardens, woodland, festivals, storytelling huts and chairs, community spaces and gatherings of all kinds are ideal for visioning the future.
What is The Quest to 2050 ?
- The Quest is an interactive game I have been working on since 2009 when I led a team of volunteers taking Transition Tales into schools.
- It started out as a way of exploring gritty issues of the day to find out-of-the-box, creative solutions.
- The Quest has been played all over the world and with all ages, and types of groups, from families to educators, and in all settings from festivals to public community events.
- Later I developed a dimension that explored our own inner responses to the world around us.
- Now, the game is in its third stage; how can our creative solutions, together with our inner reflections on our own responses to today’s challenges, come together to vision a better future.
- The Quest is fun, highly communicative, and a great way of accessing your inner passion to be a change maker!
- What we vision today becomes the future!
Want to be a host?
You will need to :
- Provide a venue
- Gather a group of people together (btw 6- 30)
- Organise a bring and share meal
You might need to:
- Provide me with overnight accommodation
Summer Tour 2018
Where I will be when:
June – Devon
June – Wales
July – Lancashire, Cumbria
August – Oxfordshire, Glos., Hampshire, Dorset
September – Cornwall & Devon
Friends old and friends new – I would love to see you and share some magical storytime!