News! Of Cloth Bags and a Spring Hare

I am very excited about two new things:

the Quest is almost ready to be sold as a card game you can buy in your very own personalized cloth bag!

Over the Winter members of Transition Plymouth Art Group have been beavering away working on both the pattern that will soon be available for prospective bag makers to download from this website, AND the very first bag.

Quest Bag in the making

The lucky owners of that unique piece of art are to be Exeter Forest School. Watch this space for news of when the we will be running a Quest workshop at their lovely woodland at Shillingford Organics.


I have entered my SoulScapes for their very first competition, as preparation for my first exhibition on the 28th April in Rattery. You can now see examples of my art on the Society for All Artists web gallery.

Spring Hare

The Sacred and The Profane

In May 2010 I was walking between Waltham Abbey and Cambridge on my journey to collect Transition Tales. You can read the story of that in chapter 5 of my book “Tales of Our Times” – The Sacred and The Profane.

It all started like this…

Waltham Abbey, says the Isle of Man bred manager of the New Inn, is the weirdest place he has ever worked in. WynnAlice is inclined to agree; its grand name is initially lived up to as the abbey is the first thing to be seen; its beautiful flint and chalk walls nestling perfectly in a V between two roads. After that, the main street is pedestrianized; and though it is easy to see the lay of the original town and many of the old pubs are still in business, none of them offer accommodation any longer and the shops have an air of poverty about them.

Here, captured in pictures, is a flavour of that walk…

Waltham Abbey - The Sacred and The Profane


Beautiful Waltham Abbey


The Welsh Harp is no longer an inn for travellers to rest their weary heads
Fellow Ambulantes
the canalised River Lea
Industrial remnants in the countryside
Encounter with a road
Prehistoric Earth Mother Figure - reminding us still of her pain.
quintessential English village
walking with the Kindly Guardian
along the Ickneild Way
She of Silver Locks and Golden Tongue
The Lady called Una and her Giant Metal Pig
Rhea the Art Teacher - a vision of colour approaches...
a herd of cattle greet WynnAlice's entrance into the Place Where Bridges Cross The Crooked River
the streets are paved in flowers


Wild Flower Haven


The Gathering at the Elm Tree
She Who Aims True

‘Tis the last day in this haven of creative action and WynnAlice feels herself to be quite at home; sun worshipping by the river as the cows amble past, a musing herself with the notion that she has found at last a place where a person can walk or cycle where ever she pleases.

To read the full story download chapter 5.















Transition Tales hits the News

On the 1st day of February the Transition Free Press was born.

A momentous time.

From small beginnings the story of Transition has swept the world with its enthusiasm and belief in a positive future.

In the very first issue of this full colour quarterly paper you can read an excerpt from the Prologue of my book “Tales of Our Times”, and read just how it was that the story of Transition began.

Read online or contact for news of how to get hold of your copy or distribute copies in your town, village or city.